
The world’s first 3D-printed office opened in Dubai

This week, the world’s first 3D printer “built” office has opened its doors in the […]

This week, the world’s first 3D printer “built” office has opened its doors in the Dubai Emirate Towers complex. Only 17 days were required to build it (for printing operations). During this period a 2,690-square-foot (about 250 m2) large office was built, the bearing structures of which are made of layered cement mixture.

The building construction was carried out with a large-scale (more than 36 m long and 12 m wide and 6 m high) 3D printer, which used material based on a mixture of cement, special polymer material and glass fibre reinforced gypsum.

Additional time for internal and external finishing works was required to complete the facility. The building was “printed” in portions and pieced together at its intended permanent location.

The building construction has also used innovative technologies that allow you to reduce energy consumption, including special blinds, which enable you to reduce sunlight getting into rooms, by reducing the required cooling capacity. The latest communications systems are used as well.

Overall, 18 experts were needed for assembly of the building; one of them was supervising operations of the printer and the remaining 17 construction professionals were connecting the printed structures, by carrying out the finishing and civil engineering works.

In accordance with the information provided by the project implementers, labour costs for construction of the building were 50% lower than when using the traditional construction process, and are estimated at the extent of approximately USD 140,000.

The created office is intended for functional use as well, and the Dubai Future Foundation will temporarily use these premises as its headquarters, while next year it will already become the Dubai Future Museum.

The design initiative is based on the Dubai 3D printing strategy, which is envisaged to focus on the development of this technology by promoting the United Arab Emirates as the world leaders in 3D printing by 2030. Within this strategy there are intentions to focus increasingly on 3 sectors: construction, the creation of medical products, as well as consumer products.

In accordance with the United Arab Emirates government plans it is intended that 25% of all buildings will be built using 3D printing technologies by 2030.

Please take the opportunity to look at the images of the created building below.

The article was composed in accordance with the information published by reuters.com.
